How to Have Extra Storage Space for All Your Odds & Ends By Using Your Furniture

How to Have Extra Storage Space for All Your Odds & Ends By Using Your Furniture

Published by Clive Braude on 28th Jun 2021

Many times we move into an apartment, condo or other dwelling to find out that there is no additional space to keep our extra belongings that don’t have a place. This stuff can range from Christmas stuff, to keepsakes, heirlooms, and boxes of things we have acquired for our children when they move out, or simply stuff we need but has no place. So where does one put it?

Storage lockers cost an arm and a leg these days. A simple 5.s 10 storage locker usually is priced at our $200 per month. Who wants to pay that along with all the other monthly expenses. The best way for us to be able to store our stuff, is to find ways to store it in our house, most of the time inconspicuously so it is not seen. Here are a few of the simple ways you can do that.

There are sectionals in the chaise part of the couch that lift up to provide extra storage. Though those are typically used for blankets, you could always take a pretty wicker basket to put beside the couch for the blankets, and store some of your ‘extras’ in the storage compartment. Same with some of the beds, like some of the ones we have in stock that have drawers, or lift up compartments, to give yourself even more places to hide things.

Console tables are also a great place to hide things as well. If you have a walk in closet in your master bedroom that has additional shelving that you won’t be utilizing, or space underneath where you can fit a small dresser, or a wicker console table, that is the perfect place you need to hide things that you may or may not need to keep out on a regular basis. Where there is a will there is a way. When you think of adding additional furniture that is yours to keep that you can utilize for additional storage, the long term result allows you to have things at your fingertips if you ever need them. It can also save you money in the long run from having to pay that extra money on storage monthly, which over the long term can be very costly.

Here at Pallucci Furniture we can work with you so you can find just right furniture that will work for you and your home, by taking a view of our show room, where our staff will ask you all the right questions so you can help to choose the right pieces, at a price that works for you. Ask about our free delivery over $699, our in-house financing and our no tax. We look forward to helping you find the furniture that will create the extra storage space you need.