Using Texture and Feeling To Create the Feeling You Want In Your Home

Using Texture and Feeling To Create the Feeling You Want In Your Home

Published by Clive Braude on 8th Apr 2021

Texture is an important part of how we feel in our surroundings. Human touch and the feeling it gives us when we feel something on our skin plays a very important part of our mood. Whether it is how the food we eat feels on our tongue, to how to clothes we wear on our skin makes us feel, to how the furniture feels when we sit or lay on it.

We don’t often at times pay attention to texture of our surroundings unless we take the time to just be. How does it feel when you sit in your recliner? Or how does it feel to lay on the couch? Do you feel all cozy when you lay down? How does the fabric feel on your skin?

Maybe it is how the mattress feels when you lay on it, or how comfortable the dining room chair is to sit on. Texture and feel is so important because the nerve endings in our body send signals to our brain and it makes us either feel good or makes us feel bad. Whether it is for ourselves, our family and guests, we want how our furniture is to make people feel good when they are in our home.

Any place you can sit or lay in your home, take the time, anywhere from 5 minutes to 15 and just be. Take the time to see how it makes you feel and why. Use your hands to feel the textures. Sit or lay in the different positions you would normally be in for a couple minutes a time. Does it feel comfortable? Do you have to fidget to find a good place to sit or lay? When you touch it with your fingertips how does it make you feel? Does it make you feel good, edgy? Does it make you want to rest your hand or remove it? These are all signs about how your furniture makes you feel in whether it is a keeper or whether you should be bringing in furniture that will heighten your senses in a positive way.

Maybe at the time you really liked the idea of a fabric recliner, and it just really doesn’t feel good on your skin anymore and you move towards the couch more. Then you could look at a leather recliner and ottoman. Or maybe the mattress you got 5 years ago was a lot firmer and you are finding now that you are getting a little older that firmness is causing your back to tense up through the night. Maybe it is time for a mattress that conforms to your body the way it is now. Or maybe those dining room chairs are feeling really hard and uncomfortable to sit on. Then a new dining room table with comfortable chairs that you can sit for an extended period of time. We here at Pallucci Furniture can help you with all that and more. There is no better time than spring to do away with all the old furniture and bring in the new to make your home feel good to you, both looking at it, and using it. Come check out our great deals and ask our knowledgeable staff about our in-house financing. We are here to help.